1.Within weeks of his win, Obama was on his way to Washington to raise cash for his new campaign.
2.Writing more insurance policies to raise cash would be 'very consistent with his past behavior, ' says Morningstar analyst Bill Bergman.
3.In an interview, Mr. Rothschild said the combined entity formed by the deal aims to raise cash starting next year to help fund acquisitions.
4.AIG executives spent the weekend trying to raise cash, either from asset sales or a capital infusion from private-equity firms, or both.
5.One explanation for this fall was that investors alarmed by Europe's woes dumped winning gold positions to raise cash.
6.Banks that fail to meet the buffer would be unable to pay pidends, though not forced to raise cash.
7.Santander expressed concern about RBS's capital reserves and pushed Sir Fred to raise cash by selling the bank's insurance operations.
8.A few weak, fiscally unsound institutions have been selling some of their gold to raise cash.
9.If government bond yields remain low, and companies such as EADS find it easy to raise cash, that should support recovery.
10.It is trying to raise cash by selling the Miami Herald.